Sunday, July 11, 2021

July 11

Summer is in full swing around here!  We're having fun, but with a pandemic still going on, I don't feel like we've ever fallen into our usual summer routine.  But we're making the best of the time we have!

With our new helper, Ms. K, and Daddy home a few days a week, we've had lots of our usual summer time activities to enjoy.  

Getting some outside time in!

And some inside time when it gets too hot out (which is often)!

Cooling off in the pool (when thunderstorms don't mess with our plans).

Weekends are for the lake!

Momma has thankfully been able to get her workouts in thanks to the childcare at the Y!

Summer reading superstars!

Fourth of July fun!

Little Buddy had one more camp for the summer--WOW Science Camp!  We always enjoy this one as they offer a special needs cohort that makes the lessons fun and relevant for our boy.


Ready for camp!


Little Buddy gets some private Safari Stop time after we drop off Little Sister while we wait for his section to start!


Petting bunnies and making a model insect!

Love our Tadpoles crew!

We've also been able to have few fun excursions this summer!  Daddy found out about the Dr. Deuss experience and got us tickets.  It was a fun sensory adventure!

Enjoying the Grinch Room!


Trying to help Horton find the Who!

Reading with the Bofa on the Sofa!


Lots of fun activities that kept Little Buddy interested!


Having fun in the Cat in the Hat room!



Oh the places you'll go, my sweet boy...


A lovely family afternoon!

We also got to take a trip over to New Braunfels to see Mimi and Pop-Pop, which meant we need to make a stop at one of our favorite places, Morgan's Wonderland!



Enjoying the park side of Morgan's...



...and the water park side!


We also loved the additions made in the Sensory Village!

Breaking a piƱata at Mimi and Pop-Pop's!

Storms diverted our drove home, taking us into Round Top, which just happens to be the home of a bakery called Pie Haven.  Of course we had to take our pie-loving boy to pick out a pie!


Fun, quick stop in Round Top!

Pie time!

The Blueberry-Lemon Pie was amazing!

Height and Weight
This month he's at 92.4  pounds and just under 60 inches!!  No weight loss issues this month and we're making sure to keep him stocked in snacks during the doesn't matter when, he just always seems hungry!  So much growing going on for our big guy.  

Just so big!

Overall, still happy and smiling (as long as we keep him active and engaged)!  Little Buddy needs a lot of activity and stimulation but with doctor's appointments, heat, and thunder storms, it's been tough getting him the movement he needs.  We keep trying!


Sitting at the table is one of the few places I can keep him still enough for a picture!

Developmental Changes
The full gambit of therapy services is back in play!  Speech, OT, and PT are now all going strong so I am hoping we can see some skills re-emerge that I have noticed slipping without regular professional work.  

Health wise, Little Buddy is doing great.  He had his echocardiogram this month and his heart looks great.  We've also had to have some consults about getting his original clinical trial port removed in the coming weeks.  It should be a simple procedure, but nothing about him is ever simple, so we'll see.  


Someone is OVER all the doctor appointments lately.  

Notable Moments
Well, this month I'm renaming this section from "Fun Tidbits" to "Notable Moments," but it really should be "heartbreaking moments."  Our dear, sweet Chesney had to be laid to rest this month.  We are thankful for his long life and that he was able to pass peacefully, but what a tough time for us.  I am glad that the kids got to have time to say goodbye but we're still not remotely over the sadness.


Rest well, sweet friend.

Next month brings us closer to another school year, but with rising Covid number, we still don't know what it will look like.  One day a time, one day at a time, as always.  

Until then,


Little Buddy's Momma