Friday, January 11, 2019

January 11

And so we close out 2018 and begin another year, blessed for the opportunity for more time and more memories together.


But Momma, I don't want to get up for school.  Isn't it time for break yet???

We had a really lovely Christmas and a really nice break (minus Little Buddy's spill off his new bike trailer).  It was nice to be able to sleep in a bit and relax and play together!


Getting some laps in for Run Club over break!  Got to stay fit!

Off to the pediatrician after the fall off our bike.  Scrapes and a lot of bruising, but no facial fractures, thank goodness!

Ms. A stopped in town and we got to have breakfast with her!  Always wonderful to see a member of our Sanfilippo family!

Managed to make it to Kangas for some playtime before break was over!

Since he was out of school, Little Buddy got to go support Little Sweetie at her gymnastics class!

One of my big resolutions this year is for us to focus on having more meaningful time together as a family and for Little Buddy and Little Sweetie to have more meaningful engagement together as siblings.  It's hard because Little Sweetie gets bored with things that are fun for Little Buddy, but the things that Little Sweetie likes are too advanced for Little Buddy.  So I'm making it a priority to find ways to play together.

Cuddling and watching TV together without yelling at each other is a start...but I want something more.

So we tried a picnic!  Little Sweetie was excited to set up a pretend picnic lunch for us and then she worked with him to help Little Buddy say words about our picnic.  Every time he would say a food, she would joyfully reward him to whatever he vocalize.  I was so happy to see them both interacting and smiling!

Picnic partners!


Then Little Sweetie remembered we had a book about picnics.  Little Buddy loves books, so I read it first and then she wanted to "read" it to him again.  


It was such a success that the next day, she wanted to play picnic again, but this time in costume!  So Magician Little Buddy and Super Sweetie enjoyed a great pretend lunch!

As for our family adventures, we got pretty brave and really worked on doing things out of our comfort zone, but it ended up being a lot of fun!



Roller skating fun!

Little Buddy also enjoyed a popcorn snack at the roller rink!


Having Little Buddy near an open fire always makes me nervous, but being secure in his chair means we can now safely roast marshmallows together!

Height and Weight
Still about 54.25 inches and weight is 76.8 pounds.

Handsome boy's face almost all healed up!

Very happy and sociable over break.  He's been getting angry around dinner time, lots of yelling and throwing, and we don't know why.  He might just be frustrated and tired by that time of day, but the rest of day he's been a lot of fun!

My favorite smiles!

Developmental Changes
Last month I had said I was concerned by how quiet he seemed to be.  Thankfully, he started talking quite a bit over break!  I think school just wears him out.  It's always so nice to hear his voice!


He's also been very happy to be back at school and really enjoyed singing at Music Therapy, as you can see by the pictures!

Fun Tidbits
Christmas presents in action!  We've been happy to see his two big Christmas gifts getting good use, even if we had modify a little bit after the bike spill!

Our new full face bike helmet to protect those sweet cheeks!

Lots of success with our new Gizmo GPS watch!

Here's hoping for more fun adventures and family memories this year!

See you next month,   


Little Buddy's Momma