Tuesday, January 12, 2021

January 11 (2021!)

Welcome 2021!  A new year full of hope:  hope that the pandemic will be effectively be handled, hope for more peaceful times, hope for perspective on what matters.  Or it could all go terribly wrong again like last year.  In any case, we'll continue to count our blessings where we find them, which is still in being together, healthy and happy.  

We had a lot of fun over the holiday season, making it work despite the craziness of the year.  Honestly, although we were always busy and going places before, it turns out we are really just homebodies at heart.  I don't miss the overfilled schedule too much, just when we start to feel a bit homebound.

We geared up for Christmas with a socially-distant Santa visit, Christmas movies, exploring a life-sized Gingerbread village, an early gift exchange with Uncle M and Aunt S, and then a full early Christmas with Mimi and Pop-Pop (and their new puppy, Sky!).


Looking our best for Santa!


Home Alone became a favorite to watch this year!

Enjoying some new books from Uncle M, Aunt S, and L!

Merry Christmas, Mimi and Pop-Pop!

Giant gingerbread houses!


Ready for Christmas to come!

We got a big surprise on Christmas, look who stopped by on his nighttime flight to check in on us!


So excited to visit with Santa!


Special Santa pets to Chesney (poor dog had had a rough week and we didn't know if he'd be spending another Christmas with us physically, but he pulled through for a Chrismas miracle)!


Quickly getting our cookies, milk, and carrots ready so we can get to bed!

And then it was Christmas!!!  Little Buddy wanted to sleep in, so we let Little Sister open some of her presents first.  When Little Buddy finally came downstairs, he needed some time to wake up, but was then all in on the festivities!


Sleepy boy opening his presents!



Waking up and getting more excited!


Thrilled with his giant puppy towel that Santa brought him!

Unfortunately, one of the big bummers of the month was that we were scheduled to take Little Buddy on a vacation to Utah to see snow.  However, with everything going on with the coronavirus, we decided we couldn't risk his safety.  Momma and Little Sister went and the boys stayed home.  We missed them terribly, but they had a great boy bonding time together!

The boys in their matching vests!


Happy being with Daddy!

Enjoying meals in the new outdoor kitchen area!

We promise we'll get some use out of those new snow pants, bud!

Thankfully, we were all home together to celebrate the New Year!




Watching Charlie Brown New Year!

Cheers to 2021!

Height and Weight
Up this month to 93.2 pounds and just under 59 inches.  Still growing and gaining, which is wonderful!

Momma, I'm a big boy and I just wanna sleep.  This getting up early for school after a break is for the birds.

Lots of talking and smiling over break (that extra sleep certainly seems to help)!  We's so fortunate that he's so happy and easy going, unless we forgot to give him his snack and he gets HANGRY!

Developmental Changes
We work hard over break to keep his skills up!  Being out of school and having some time off from therapy for the holidays/insurance change doesn't mean we stop the work.  He enjoyed sleeping in, but we still did lots of OT skills, stretching, and running (the cooler weather really agrees with him right now for his run training!). 



Staying strong!

Fun Tidbits
It's time to start our annual fundraising through our local marathon's Charity Challenge!  We are so fortunate that Little Buddy can still train for and run his race (and enjoy some park time after his laps are done).



Staying strong with WILLPower!

So 2021 is here and we're ready to make another year of adventure with this wonderful boy!

See you next month,


Little Buddy's Momma