Saturday, October 31, 2015

Happy Halloween!

The fall season is in full swing here in Texas (by calendar; by weather, not so much!) so the kids have been getting ready for Halloween!  We got our pumpkins carved and our costumes chosen!


Pumpkins carved with silly and scary faces:  check!  Little Sweetie was an excellent pumpkin guts scooper!

When Halloween arrived, these two couldn't wait.  They had picked out their favorite characters to be and were ready to show them off while Trick-or-Treating with their friends!

Say hello to Ryder from Paw Patrol and the one and only, Minnie Mouse (this was a clever re-use of her Minnie-theme birthday party dress--her choice)!

Momma dressed up as her favorite super hero--a genetics researcher working to end Sanfilippo!

AFter Momma and Daddy took WAY too many porch pictures, we headed over to our friends Ms. E and Mr. E's house for some dinner and Trick-or-Treating!  I love our annual Halloween get-together and it means even more now.  To see Little Buddy with his friends and trying to interact with them and knowing that all the families accept him as he is and understand him, well, it just means a lot to have friends like that.  We are truly blessed.


Little Sweetie blowing some bubbles!

Our little scarecrow friend, B!

Little Buddy headed up to the playroom!

The best momma friends in the world!

Ms. J, Mr. D, and Little K!


Momma and Daddy!


Our attempt at a group picture with the kids!  Little Sweetie was not thrilled and Little Buddy kept trying to run back to the playroom!



Time for the main event....Trick-or-Treating!  Little Sweetie got into it very quickly and was searching out the houses with the lights on!  Neither of the kids eat much candy, but they were excited for the lollipops!

Another wonderful Halloween!

Happy Halloween all,


Little Buddy's Momma

Sunday, October 11, 2015

October 11

And Fall is in full swing!  Well, in terms of sports and activities, but not in terms of weather!  Texas is too hot yet again, but we don't let the heat bring us down, especially when it is time for baseball!


Ready for our ballgame!


Someone is five and plans on hitting FIVE home runs!


Up to bat and running the bases!


Some outfield discussion then taking some rest between batters.

However, in between school and baseball games, we always have to make room for Minnesota!

Minnesota, here we come!

It was so nice to see M again this trip...Little Buddy obviously thought so too!

Hanging out in the hospital room, admiring his bandaid.

Poor M got sick while there, so she had to stay, but we got to go see her for a little while before we had to leave!

Ready to head home with this handsome boy!

Finally in Texas!  Daddy and Little Sister will be coming home from Ohio tonight too.  Let's see if Little Buddy can wait up for them...

...not so much, lol!

Besides baseball, we also do Run Club.  And Run Club means races!  The entire family got in on the action.

Daddy is fueled by WILLPower and ready to go!

Little Buddy is definitely excited!


Family pep talk!



Look at those boys go!  Way to finish strong!


Getting another run workout in before it's time to go to Minnesota again!


Professional traveler is just reading books at the airport.

M was still in Minnesota, but thankfully doing better.  The two lovebirds were happy to be reunited again!

Somebody is worn out after a travel day and seeing his girlfriend!

Quick infusion...


...then homeward bound again!

A quick stop to be the guest of honor at a fishing tournament...

...then more baseball...


...then up bright and early for ANOTHER race!


Look at him go!


Awesome medal, buddy!

Posing with the Mommas after they finished their race!

We also got to celebrate Little Sister's 2nd birthday this month!  We got some great shots of Little Buddy and our family during her birthday photoshoot!


Our beautiful boy.  Love him so much.




So blessed to have these family moments to cherish.


All finished.  I guess we'll let Little Buddy drive us home!


But all I want to do every day is hang out with my two favorite things. 

Height and Weight
He's weighing in at just under 60 pounds and still right around 47 inches.

Sometimes even super joyful super heroes have a bad day and don't listen or they get even they have to sit in time out!


Developmental Milestones
Still verbal, mobile, creative, and engaged.  Seems to still be progressing in terms of skills, so here's hoping!


Mr. Cool!

Fun Tidbits
Halloween is just around the corner and this one can't wait to be Ryder from Paw Patrol!


Is it time for Trick or Treat yet???

Until next month, 


Little Buddy's Momma