Friday, October 11, 2019

October 11

Hello October!  We've settled into school and, just as we thought we had life under control, we decided to add some craziness to it.  So much excitement this month!

First, let's talk about the normal things we settled into...Little Buddy has been doing great at school, horse therapy has started up again, and Run Club is back in swing.  We've even had one race!

Happy boy at school!



Obviously any book time is his favorite time at school, but notice how he's sitting independently and staying seated...that's huge for him!

Glad to be back on Roany and enjoying the open spaces of the new site of our therapy ranch!


Getting our laps in at Run Club!

Ready for the first race of the season!

Let's see...what other little adventures did we have this month?  Little Buddy enjoyed decorating cupcakes at a birthday party and then eating special Charlie Brown cookies sent by a friend.


Sweet things make this sweet boy happy!

And for the big news.  First things first, we got a new car!  To stop Little Buddy from accidentally hurting his sister when he threw and grabbed things in the car, we got a vehicle with a third row to give them each some space.  So far they are doing well!

Cruising along in the new Subaru!

And Little Buddy got transformed into a super hero by an awesome nonprofit!  Such a cool experience!


Super Little Buddy!

Proud of her super hero brother!

And...we got a puppy!!!  His name is Buster and we lucked into another awesome shepherd mix.  Buster was being fostered by a neurophysiologist who had actually heard of Sanfilippo, so this was pretty meant to be.  He's a great pup and had integrated well into our family.


Reading with Buster.


Puppy cuddles!

Height and Weight
This month, Little Buddy weighs in 83.8 pounds and is measuring just under 56 inches.


We had a week of random agitation, but overall still very happy and smiley!

Hey handsome!

Developmental Changes
We can't complain.  Besides one week of agitation, we are seeing good things.  Stronger endurance at Run Club, stronger core at Horse Therapy, better communication at Speech therapy and using words in appropriate circumstances, and good sleep.  His school mentioned that they have noticed that he's seemed to calm down a little.  Now that could very much be due to the progression of Sanfilippo and seeing his hyperactivity lower, but right now he is still doing well, so we are willing to accept the calming.  

Twisting his Rubik's Cube and working that fine motor!

Sleepy boy snuggling Daddy and ready for bed!

Fun Tidbits
We got hit with another tropical storm (Imelda) but thankfully our area wasn't greatly affected.  We did get to enjoy some cooler temps and a family walk.

Family time is the best time.

See you in November,


Little Buddy's Momma